lil cuties for everyone.
Friday, June 11, 2010
chow puppies dyed to look like panda bears!!!! is that animal crulety? i don't give a fuck, i want one NOW. these lil fellas were painted for the opening of some pet park in china. i'm sorry but there are plenty of pet parks or bark parks here in america and we don't dye puppies in celebration. who is this attracting? oh yeah, me.
it's that damn smoking baby! this baby is like the cutest thing even so why is it smoking??? i quit smoking 2 weeks ago and i feel great! but this lil guy is only 2, so what the hell is happening to his tiny body. i am working with kids this summer, the youngest are 3. i can never imagine them smoking cigarettes. that's innocence lost right there.
omg will smith's family is prety damn cute. jackie chan needs to get out. but can you believe trey??? that is the same kid that was in this video:
SERIOUSLY. so big, i feel so old. i remember watching total request live for the premiere of this vid and thought it was cute and now this little boy is a HUGE YOUNG MAN. wow. born in 1992...18 years old. i am so old.
that right there is a tall drink of water...or is it glass of water? not good with those sayings sometimes. a.skar looking good! i am counting down the minutes to the true blood premiere OMGGGGG.
tatyanna ali was the cutest everrrrr! just sayin!
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