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i am going to find a way to make these for myself

Friday, January 28, 2011

the cutest kid EVER.


New Post Coming This Week

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Summary: An exploration of the correlation between entertainment and start-up company structures in a new era of art and business.


Nia's Reality of Friendship.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

No pictures of artwork, fashion, or whatever today. I'm simply going to write what is on my mind.

I've come to the realization that I do not have many friends. This may sound kind of bad, but let me attempt to explain this...

For clarification, this is NOT a sob story. If anything it's a statement or an expression to show a more personal side of Nia Langley.

The relationships that I have with many people are nearly difficult to explain. I come in contact with many people, and form some sort of new relationship with at least one person everyday. However, I think some people I come in contact with are too quick to call me 'friend'.

When it comes down to it, I'm not mad at people for assuming we have a genuine friendship. Today, the word 'friend' gets tossed around way too often (along with the word 'love', but that's another story). Society now has made the idea or concept of friendship not as big of a deal. I do get annoyed, however, when people who claim I'm their friend assume that I am supposed to fulfill some sort of duty for them (I really don't know how to explain it). I have no obligation to most people, because I do not truly know most people. I do not truly know most people, because most people I come in contact with are, in truth, acquaintances. Though there are many acquaintances I am very fond of, I cannot say they are my friends without really knowing them.

Is this making any sense?

It's not like I don't want friends. I simply want REAL ones. I think the more people you let into your life, the more complicated it gets. With that being said, I don't want to rush into many friendships, and just because we're not friends, doesn't mean I won't do anything nice for you. I just don't want people expecting things from me without knowing me. I'd rather start as acquaintances, build a bond, build trust, and form a friendship. Almost all of my acquaintances have the potential to become my friends. I'm simply not in any hurry to make that transition.

If you can't tell already, my circle of friends is rather tight right now. Not because I'm cold and distant from people, but because it's difficult for me to keep friends. It's difficult for me to keep friends, because people tend to get offended when I tell them the truth. I'm not the type to just go around lying. I'm also not the one who doesn't speak up when I think something is wrong. I say what's on my mind. I'm not loud, but I do say what I want to say (if I'm sure what it is) when I want to say it. If people are real with me, I'm going to be real with them. If people are fake with me, I'm still going to be real with them. That's just the way I am.

Along with being real with people, I think my remarks are sometimes misunderstood. I think I can be a really nice person to be around, but when someone crosses my line, it will not always be a pretty picture. If someone steps on my toes, I don't allow the foot to stay there. I kick it off of me usually.

The thing that's soooo bizarre about this is I'm really not a mean person! And (specifically recently) I've come to the realization that I like to see people happy. I enjoy meeting new people. I like to make people smile, and I think that everyone should know what it feels like to be loved.

So to wrap this all up, I think my views on friendship are a bit different than the next guy's. I know it's kind of weird, but I really want to stay grounded, and I think the best way to do that while having relationships with people is by having true friends that you really know. I also want someone who will put in the same amount of work into the friendship, so it's not just me working by myself. I am NOT anti-people! I would rather really get to know someone better as I build trust.

That's all I have to say on this. Did you follow me at all? Hopefully...haha

What are your thoughts on friendship? What do you think true friendship is?

Thanks for reading!


infinite good moods

Monday, January 24, 2011

this song puts in is a much better mood when i feel cranky.  i was late for a nail appointment, stuck behind a deaf dumb and blind person, and my tension headache was going off the charts...then the heavens of my iphone opened up and TADA!!! perfume electro world!
enjoy!  will post when i get some cute shit on my computer.  running low because i have been going crazy with school/work/future shit.  i just want a crazy cute life.



Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hey guys and girls. I have been slipping into an all too familiar slump in my post ratio. I have been defined by being busy the past two weeks - in addition to being transitional phase right now.  These are all good things. That being said stability is on the horizon and as are more rants, Top Picks and a few additional segments I have been working on. Stick with me.

Check the Facebook page for new pictures from Aura Music Festival 2011 and a continuous stream of activity.


friday fry-day.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

this post is micah-centric.  cuz he sent me most of it.  thanks boi! is the new face of Moët & Chandon champagne.  i could use a bottle right now!

definition or crazy/hot.

snooki's new blinged out hello kitty shades.  but how does she see?

$50 for these bad boys.  do i dare?

a real letter from a real child to dumbledore.  why didn't anyone tell him??  seriously bad parenting!


thanks boo.  that was a great cat vid. lol.

and finally, the definition of ferocity:


Top Picks of the Day - January 14th, 2011

I have been off this week due to a hectic work schedule and having events each night. I was lucky enough to catch the Florida Panthers whooping the Washington Capitals on Tuesday night and then a truly VIP experience with my little brother Josh at the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus last night. There are some great pictures of a happy kid on my Facebook. This weekend I head to Crescent Ranch in St. Cloud, FL for the Aura Music Festival. I am very excited to catch up with the guys in the band Papadosio and see some local music folks I haven't seen enough of lately.

News: The Social Network of Spies...kind of. One of many very interesting SocMedia articles I have read today. It is truly amazing how large this wave is becoming in such a short amount of time. Only a slight seismic shift and now we are seeing sets like Cortes Bank of the coast of California.

Song: Sublime - SublimeDoin' Time. Sublime is one of those bands that transcends music and becomes a cultural institution with many cultural identifiers. I often associate the songs with people, events and time periods rather than their own lyrical and musical content. This song crept out of Emily's Pandora today at just the right moment to provide an escape from the work day and "cold" weather we are having in South Florida. 

Video: The era of the flash mob has hit a whole new level. I present, the Wedding Flash Mob.


thanks micah!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

new song that i like and i don't actually know why:


Top Picks of the Day - January 11th, 2011

The Top Pick for song is combined with video for today. I am on the hunt for something new and fresh for tomorrow. Heading down to the Panthers game after work to see them take on the Caps. Look for pictures on my Twitter and Facebook. Go Cats! 

News: is going to take a stab at Super Bowl commercials. A sign that they are working at a 100 mph revenue pace: they could not get into the game sports because those sold out in October...when they didn't have the money or foresight.

Website: Interesting and comprehensive human genetics program discussed at the Google Science Fair panel today. Anyone can participate!

Video: Alpha Rev - Colder Mouths. Warm, eerie vocals mixed with a diverse acoustic ensemble and an underlying piano. The tension slowly builds and drops off with a resonating note from the keys. Its nice to see a band keeping it simple and less formulaic than most. New soft rock that does not suck, who knew it existed?


Facebook or Die!

The rumor mill has been fabricating some interesting stories about Mark Zuckerberg and the announcement that his beloved Facebook will be closing its doors in the near future due to the effects it has had on his personal life. From Weekly World News:

“Facebook has gotten out of control,” said Zuckerberg in a press conference outside his Palo Alto office, “and the stress of managing this company has ruined my life. I need to put an end to all the madness.”
Zuckerberg went on to explain that starting March 15th, users will no longer be able to access their Facebook accounts.
“After March 15th the whole website shuts down,” said Avrat Humarthi, Vice President of Technical Affairs at Facebook. “So if you ever want to see your pictures again, I recommend you take them off the internet. You won’t be able to get them back once Facebook goes out of business.”
Before investigating the validity of this my immediate thoughts were, "yes!" and "Mark has been reading my blog!" (see my previous post here). The chances of the latter are none given my blog hit rate, but then again I may be black listed and filtered through some complex algorithmic system that combines facial recognition and cross references my complete government file and internet history in case they need to black mail me or something. Paranoid much? You never know with Zuckerberg. In this era I feel like even my concerns with abuses of technology underestimate the scope of capabilities.

Of course the story is a complete work of fiction but reiterates some of my thoughts posted in the past. A cliche infotainment stunt gone viral. I have to admit I would be disappointed if it were true. Not because I really care about losing Facebook, but because I think the impact of the population losing the dominant social network unannounced would be much more effective. Corporate America waking up one Monday morning to a message that reads, "We are not sorry to inform you that we have shut down Facebook. Go live life."

Is it troublesome that the utopia I would settle for at this point is one free of social (network) constraints? At the same time, I am completely fascinated by the culture surrounding them and will continue an immersion technique while they do exists. I am not addicted to social networking. I am addicted to the addiction of social networking. I am also not alone in this regard.

In the shadow of Facebook's insane recent financial endorsement by Goldman Sachs to the tune of $50 million last week, Groupon has out shown them with a $92 million dollar investment - the largest for a start up. I am not trying to be the social lifeguard here waving a red flag, but does this not remind anyone of the dot com bubble? There may be a different dynamic this time, but lets break it down - you are dumping exorbitant amounts of money into a website, that offers coupons and deal incentives with a networking twist. That is all they do. This is not a new idea by any means, they just happened to have that bit of luck accompanied by name recognition building that is all to familiar in this sector. This isn't a social network for curing cancer or innovating energy. It is coupons. Once the hype dies down and the dust settles, in say 5-10 years (or less), will Groupon still be a worthwhile investment - let alone the largest of all the start ups?

We can say the same for Facebook. Given the track record of technology, software, internet media and data, Facebook will become inferior at some point - just ask Myspace. Sitting here today I can think of a laundry list of things Facebook does wrong and improvements that could be made, but yet have never happened. I feel this is part of their marketing strategy for expectation management and not trying to sink their ship with unpopular drastic changes. Smart, effective but comes with natural consequence. History tells us that one day there will be something new, hopefully improved, and Facebook will be the thing we used back in the day. Yet, these elite investors still seem to be dumping long term type investments into a short return spectrum. Lets hope for their sake, and in effect our own, that I am wrong.

Mark might consider making a public statement about his supposed door slam in the face for the people not competent enough to research the background and point of origin of this story. A simple Tweet would suffice. Wait, is that blasphemy? I don't know how it works for the top tier social network gods. Does Bill Gates own an iPad?

I will continue to be in awe of the expansion and contractions of this market. It is unprecedented, if not unjustified, but it might be beneficial to ride the wave if you can bail before it crashes.


drowning over here...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

i feel terrible i have not been doing a very good job with this blog lately.  the holidays were a whirlwind!  my boo came into town and i wanted to devote all my time to him and my family.  i had a great holiday though!  but then it was RIGHT back to work, school, job stuff, more certification exams, etc.  the world just will never slow down for me!  but i have been collecting some stuff!  so here it goes.
crystal gel balls, orbeez, whatever you wanna call them; i want them.  that's my big plan for tomorrow.  seriously go to the asian market get my ass some bamboo and some gel balls.  riveting i know.

new years for the grown and sexy.

vintage stevie and christine.  i would die for stevie's hair.  she was such a babe.  i think i might go on a fleetwood mac kick.

snooki has her own lil jewelry line going with her crystal party ball necklaces.  unfortunately i dont feel like spending the kind of cash she is asking.  gimme a clearance item please.

pauline sent me a mix and this was my favorite song on it:
it speaks to me.  it's going to be my music inspiration for baby heroes.  (yeah that's gonna be my new band).


Top Picks of the Day - January 10th, 2011

Too busy to write much, but I did manage to get some picks. Hopefully I have more time the rest of the week. 

Song: Raq - Brother From Another Mother

Invention: Biodegradable, edible cups

News: Tom Delay gets served 3 years.

Video: Grand Theft Auto finally pays off.  


3D Street Art!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Please do not tell me that I am the only person who thinks this type of work is INCREDIBLE! The term "3D street art" is pretty self explanatory, but for those who don't know, 3D street artists paint on a street or sidewalk to make a picture that looks 3-dimensional. Understood? Great. I'm focusing on two artists in particular today: Jullian Beever and Edgar Mueller. I'm not going to talk about them, because I don't know them. I'm instead just going to display some of their work.


This is a little bit the 3D art process...

All right. Different stuff now.

The picture of the self-portrait was also done by Julian Beever.

No Copyright Infringement Intended


Top Picks of the Day - January 6th, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

Hey everyone. I was busy straight through the day yesterday with work and then down to the Panthers vs. Trashers hockey game with some friends from work, so I apologize for the absence of a Top Picks post. I know you are very upset. I am working on a new format that will include and not include certain things. Let me know what you think over the next week or two. Here we go...

Song: K'naan - The Dusty Foot On The Road - In The Beginning. I can not get enough of this guy. I find irony in the fact that he hails from one of the most dangerous places on the Earth but yet does not push cliche messages of violence or gangsterism - cornerstones of hip-hop culture in the US.  I managed to pull a recording of the NPR recording of his SXSW Festival performance. It is impressive. Its refreshing to hear such talent not wasted on the lack of an artistic message. The beats translate well into a live electric band setting for performances. I have mentioned him before on this blog but I am going to go ahead and say that K'naan is neither a fad nor a one hit wonder. The world needs to hear this.  

News: Gas first, iEverything second. Apple takeover - it has begun!

Video: Skiing, cool. Skiing at 40 mph, crazy. Skiing at 40 mph through Manhattan, Top Pick worthy.


Top Picks of the Day - January 4th, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year! I trust everyone had a stellar holiday season. I am almost caught up to life today. Here is my first Top Picks entry in 2011. 

Song: Jay-Z - Reasonable Doubt - Dead Presidents II. From the early days of Shawn Carter's career. This track is produced by Ski with samples of A Garden of Peace by Lonnie Liston Smith in the melody - which is a soft piano piece that uses simple bass keys in conjunction with faster tempo high note strokes to paint a repetition piece with no real peak or break in tension, The World Is Yours (Q-tip Remix) by Nas - arguably the most infamous, if not best track, ever produced by Nas and debated as a top hip-hop track of all time, and Oh My God by A Tribe Called Quest in the percussion - a simple bass drum and snare beat laid heavily over an odd horn and lounge keyboard rhythm. Interesting that The World Is Yours remix was done by Q-Tip and he is also a member of A Tribe Called Quest. This was the rap mogul's debut single that went gold. Same beat and chorus as the track Dead Presidents but with different lyrics. Nas refused to re-rap the chorus for the track and this is cited as the genesis of the feud between the two rappers. 

News: A visual display of religion/anti-religion based billboard wars. Some of these are pure gold!

Website: - Great site that allows you to categorize your possessions to share, collect and swap with friends.

TV Series: I finished Boardwalk Empire and The League. I think I need to catch a few more episodes of the Office and South Park. I am so 2010.

Video: Someone please buy me one of these. What a clever idea and cool thing to own. Kickstarter is my new favorite site.


2010 just got dumped. Soooo 2011, how about those digits?

Monday, January 3, 2011

I'm THANKING GOD for letting me make it through another year. However, I must address the whole "New Years Cliché". Around the New Year season, almost everyone says, "This year is gonna be different than last year." Many people expect their mistakes to be somehow erased with the coming of January 1. Let's be serious. Not a thing will be different this year by just saying, "2011 is gonna be different." You're basically saying, "Blah blah blah." Simply talking is not gonna bring about change. If you're going to be passive, you're going to end up doing the same old routine, and New Year's Resolutions will be given up in a matter of weeks...or days. If you truly want 2011 to be a better year, you must be proactive in your decisions to change, or else, 2011 will be just another repeat.

So, I encourage you to be active this year. Make sure your resolutions don't falter by the wayside. Do your best to make yourself a better person! You can even look at The Optimist Creed as a starting guide if you have nothing planned.

Do whatever you have to do. Like Oprah Winfrey says, "Live your best life."

Have a great year!

Photo: No Copyright Infringement Intended


happy new years mofucks!!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

SNOOKI DROP 2011!!! woohoo!!! my boo is passed out in bed and i am watching TLC in my new marc jacobs pjs!  it's gonna be a good year!!!

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