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heating up

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

miami is getting hot as hell and school is winding down.  i am on a quest to GTFO of miami.  lord help me.  send me some good luck somebody.  CHRISTMAS MIRACLE PLEASE.
i just bought this shirt yesterday at zara.  need green pants now too!  gonna wear it to DISNEY and HARRY POTTER WORLD this weekend.  way excited!!!!

this girl from my HS is a photographer,  i nearly lost it when i saw this picture.  she takes super cute pictures.  i need to get me an asian baby ASAP.

i need this to be real or in my life forever.

i'll take 2 please.  are these out yet?  love it.

the truth is a bitch, bitch.
oh and...


On the RaidR

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

BARE WITH ME GUYS! I'm going through a lot of crazy stuff right now, making it difficult to stay on the blogging grind. Hopefully, I can get it together soon...

Meanwhile, a singing group, by the name of RaidR, just recently formed, and I felt like I could do a post to promote them (and give you something to read).

Taken from RaidR's Facebook fan page:

In an industry inundated with manufactured talent, it’s hard to find artists with star quality in their blood. For the three Riley sisters, that notion is the furthest from the truth. RaidR, comprised of Deja, Taja and Bobbie, have all the makings of an international sensation. As the daughters of musical icon, Teddy Riley, the trio learned from a young age that while talent may get you in the door, perseverance, ambition and practice is what guarantees longevity. Growing up in Virginia Beach, VA allowed the trio to live a life outside of the spotlight, in an environment where these three qualities were ingrained and instilled in them. While they spent most of their young lives focusing on dance, they knew a career in music was their destiny. After working alongside the likes of Denise Wall, Debbie Allen, Janet Jackson, Laurie-Ann Gibson and Lady Gaga, the trio decided it was time to focus their talents on themselves. RaidR, created at a cafĆ© in North Hollywood, CA, is a true reflection of each of the girls’ personality: Deja’s sexy and sultry R&B vibe, Taja’s vintage/punk rock style, and Bobbie’s bubbly pop sweetness. After years of honing their vocal and songwriting skills, they’re ready to raid the industry with music that crosses multiple genres and appeals to a variety of listeners. Get ready world, RaidR is on the scene.

So, here is RaidR's first single called "ATM".

I think the song is good for a first single. What do you think?

If you like them, support them on Facebook:

Have a good week!

Photo citation:
No Copyright Infringement Intended


marimekko and kitty wigs

Monday, March 21, 2011

my future super cute life


Just to hold you over!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Oh my days. I'm sorry guys. So much stuff has been going on, so again my apologies for not being on my daily blogging grind.

This week has been pretty crazy, but let me just tell you about this morning:
I was at the gym working out like usual, and I got on this machine that twists so you can work your obliques. I wasn't planning on going all out, so I only put 50 pounds. Everything was good until I started twisting. My weights got caught on this other man's leg machine. After saying, "Sir" a few times, I finally got his attention, and he kindly moved my weights back down.

Well...I still wanted to exercise on the machine, so I got back on it, and yet again, the weights got stuck. Already frustrated that this is taking more than 5 minutes to start and that the 2 machines were poorly placed by each other, I decided to lift the weights myself. I grabbed the weights from underneath, and they were off of the other machine; but then I realized that I couldn't simply set them down without having some difficulty. I decided to drop the weights.

My right hand came out fine, but left hand miscalculated the speed of the fall, causing my middle finger to be landed on. I didn't say a word. I went downstairs, asked for some ice, and then iced my poor little finger. My workout was cut short. I ended with some stretches and then went back home. My finger still hurts a little bit as I'm typing this. So sad.

Anyways, thanks for stopping by. I have 2 pictures here that I saw on someone's blog, but I can't remember soon as I figure out, I'll give credit where credit is due.

The Chanel Ice Cream Cone is COOL! I also find the Oreo picture kind of funny. (If these pictures were on your blog, speak now or forever hold your peace)

I hope you all have a great weekend! Until next time...

Photos: No Copyright Infringement Intended


The Future of Publishing

Monday, March 14, 2011

This is clever. Very clever. Watch the whole video!

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The Way We Were...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

"Memories. Like the corners of my mind. Misty, water-colored memories of the way we were. Scattered picture of the smiles we left behind. Smiles we gave to another for the way we were. Can it be that it was all so simple then? Or has time rewritten every line? If we had the chance to do it all again, tell me, would we? Could we? Memories may be beautiful, and yet, what's too painful to remember, we simply choose to forget. So it's the laughter we will remember whenever we remember the way we were. The way we were."

This post has nothing to do with the movie, but "The Way We Were" is undoubtedly my absolute favorite song from Barbra Streisand (just so you know), and lately I've been looking back to the way things were. I'm not saying that I've been dwelling on the past. What I have found myself doing lately is making a comparison between the Nia before and the Nia now.

As I look back, one thing I think I've noted is the Nia Langley before was possibly...hmmm...happier than today's Nia Langley. However, to say that today's Nia is a lot more bitter is too far of a stretch. I think I was happier back then, because ignorance is some cases. Now I'm not saying I'm stupid...or that I was stupid. I'm simply saying that I didn't know as much last year, two years ago, ten years get it.

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." -Albert Einstein

I totally agree with that statement. I think it's crucial to be constantly learning things, ideas, whatever, and it is nearly impossible not to learn something new on the regular basis. As I've grown older, I have gained deeper insight on life, the world, people, and even myself. Out of the things I've learned, there are many things I like, but there are also many things I dislike (and I'm sure everyone has some likes and dislikes). The only reason why I'm assuming I'm less happy than I was is because I want to change the things I dislike, specifically the things within myself.

"Why don't you change then?" I am changing. I've come such a long way in terms of not being so aloof from people. I've opened up...BUT NOT TOO MUCH! I've become friendlier. My faith has been strengthened. My love has been deepened, but there is still such a longggg way to go.

"Look at me. Look at me. I am changing. Trying every way I can. I am changing. I'll be better than I am." -Jennifer Hudson 'I Am Changing'

I am totally thankful that I have grown as a person. I've realized how important it is to be grounded, especially with the modern-day culture throwing stuff at us. In addition to all of these things however, it's important that we not only seek to grow now from the people we were, but we should also aspire to continue growing in the future.

Don't only look back on the way we were. Look at the way we are, and think about the way we want to be. The whole "live for the moment" thing is not a clever thing to do in my eyes. I mean, of course it could be fun, and it may not take a lot of effort or thinking to live that way, but too often it is soooo foolish.

"Where there is no vision, the people perish." -Proverbs 29:18

Some of you may not pay any attention to the Bible, but I find this text to be true. Invest in yourself. If you're not at least somewhat preparing for what's ahead then what are you really living for? Instant gratification? I think that thinking about a long-term goal is, most of the time, more important than satisfying the "right-now" desires.

So, to wrap up this post (which is kind of all over the place...again), use looking back at the way you were to improve the way you are now, and strive to make the way you are now an even better person. I'm looking forward to the future. I have many things planned. Hopefully, the way I will be in the future is the the best person I can possibly be. I wish the same for all of you.

Picture: No Copyright Infringement Intended


Manfaat Musik untuk Anak

Friday, March 11, 2011

Selama periode bayi hingga usia sekolah, usahakan anak mendapat stimulasi bernuansa musikal. Mengapa? Karena irama dan timbre (warna musik) mendorong anak melakukan gerakan yang akan memengaruhi perkembangan motoriknya secara menyeluruh. Apa saja manfaat musik lainnya?

- Stimulasi ingatan

Jika pernah mendengar musik tertentu di masa lampau, orang akan mengasosiasikan musik dengan pengalaman masa lampaunya. Artinya, musik berfungsi sebagai stimulus pembangkit ingatan ke masa lalu. Tak hanya membangkitkan pengalaman obyektifnya, tapi juga pengalaman subyektifnya (perasaan ketika mengalami hal tersebut).

- Membangkitkan rasa nyaman

Jika kita memperdengarkan musik lembut menjelang anak tidur, ia akan merasa nyaman di peraduan. Biasanya musik-musik tersebut berada pada tempo adagio, andante, moderato, yang tidak jauh dari ritme nadi atau detak jantung dalam hitungan 1 ketuk per detik, sedikit lebih cepat, sedikit lebih lambat. Bukan menggunakan tempo lento yang amat lambat atau presto yang amat cepat.

- Efek hipnotik

Irama musik memberi dampak membuai. Ini disebut hypnotic effect (kesan hipnotik). Buktinya, ketika mendengar musik seseorang cenderung mengentak tangan atau kaki atau mengikuti senandung musiknya.

- Menghibur

Musik bertujuan menghibur (dari kata muse). Musik menghibur di kala suka dan duka. Musik juga menghibur anak-anak. Jadi, hanya dengan mendengarkan musik yang disukai, seseorang sudah merasa terhibur.

Jika individu berada dalam atmosfer yang disukai, atmosfer yang menyenangkan, maka ia akan merasa lebih nyaman, dan rasa nyaman akan memberi dampak positif pada individu dalam melakukan kegiatannya. Kondisi ini membuat anak mudah menyerap, mengolah, dan menyimpan ilmu maupun stimulus.



I just don't know...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Guys. I don't know what's going on. I mean look at that picture up there. I look crazy.

For the past hour, Blogger was saying I wasn't following any blogs...and now it's normal again. I was so confused.

I've been sore and tired all week. It's only Wednesday. I have a bunch of projects and tests and assignments and whatnot. I'm using too many "ands"...

I'm trying to learn two new pieces on my violin, and I keep forgetting to teach myself more stuff on the piano.

Every time I fall asleep before I get stuff done, I wake up the next day. Clearly, sleep and I cannot be trusted.

I don't understand.

I plan my outfits in advance, but I haven't planned tomorrow's yet.

It seems like too many of my acquaintances are going through hell.

My abs hurt like crazy right now. So do my arms. But I think I said I'm sore already.

I'm writing this post instead of doing something possibly more productive.

I'm stressed.

I shouldn't be stressed.

I'm a vegan, but my sister brought me my favorite ice cream. How could I say no? Now I feel sick-ish. This isn't good.

I desperately wanna learn how to play to the guitar. Seriously. Like this guy.

I don't mind if you leave this post to go and see the above said "this guy".

Everybody is texting me, and I don't know why. My phone is going off like a drug dealer.

I wanna know if I got the Taylor Michaels Scholarship or not.

I wanna go shopping. It's good for the soul.

I really wanna meet Oprah Winfrey, Tyra Banks, Zoƫ Saldana, Nia Long, Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, Lance Gross, Julie Andrews, Tamera Mowry, Tia Mowry-Hardrict, Corbin Bleu, Carson Kressley, Fran Drescher, Eva Marcille, Tina Campbell, Erica Campbell, Paula Patton, Linda Celeste Sims, Glenn Allen Sims, Judith Jamison...and SO many others, but I'm only naming a few. If you can work something out so I can meet one of those people, I'd love you forever.

I just felt my cheek, and I feel some pimples. Oh my days. -______-

I want to be a tad more photogenic...but at the same time, the photographer should be behind the camera anyway.

I envy dancers. But I love and respect them at the same time.

I wish I was brave enough to start dancing.

I'm playing my quad Anderson this weekend...and I've only practiced once this week =/

I'm craving the weekend. Screw the weekend. I want Spring Break. No wait...WHERE IN THE WORLD IS SUMMER?!?!

I really wanna know how to krump and tut.

I've only painted my own nails by myself once.

I'm a hat-lover. I just got some hat boxes in the mail =)

I kinda just wanna read my dictionary.

Even though I was accepted in Oakwood, I still secretly wanna go to FIT.

I wanna be a billionaire.

I want to be famous.

Ew. I don't like feet.

I had a dream that I met Linda Celeste Sims and we became best friends. When I woke up, I was depressed that it wasn't a reality. When I say depressed. I mean seriously depressed.

I wanted to buy something fabulous, but have you seen the cost of fabulous lately?! I can't just blow money...

I would like to be surrounded by musical geniuses all the time.

I don't have a perm.

My life isn't as glamorous as some people I know...

I dislike liars.

I dislike fakes.

I don't understand why people do dumb things when they know it's something foolish.

I feel like I'm using bad grammar.

I don't like corduroy pants.

I always have mints. Wherever I go. I always have to keep my breath fresh.

I always have chap-stick. In every coat pocket. In every purse. Everywhere.

I wear nonprescription glasses for fun. I have 20/20 vision.

When I'm sleepy, I start to itch.

I'm kind of itching now...

I want more followers.

I don't know why I'm doing this post.

Oh started with the whole "I'm not following any blogs" thing...

I feel bad if this post sent out a negative vibe. I just wanted to say what's going through my head right now.

I hope you didn't mind.

I have so much more I could say, but this is enough for one post...I think.

I'm gonna plan my outfits now.

I hope you have a good day!


busy busy bee

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

i have been at my wits end for the past month.  work school test work school lesson plan vacation school x1000000.  it doesn't stop.  these are some pix i have on my desktop but have had zero time to post or elaborate upon.  xoxoxoxox


Hmmm...So what happened this week?

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Do any of you guys remember that show on Disney Channel called "Lizzie McGuire"? Well on Monday, I got word that Disney is will be shooting "Lizzie McGuire: College Life" this fall and will air it in the spring.
Hilary Duff said that she is excited to go back to where her career began. So, I think that's pretty interesting...

I also received my acceptance letter from Oakwood University! That's the college I will be attending, so I was super excited.

Many of you know that my favorite dance company is the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. Well, I got the chance to see the company perform on Tuesday! Ahhhh! They were sooooo amazing. I enjoyed EVERY piece they showed us of their repertoire. My favorite pieces were the "Anointed" (especially the first section of it named "Passing"...performed by Glenn Allen Sims - my favorite dancer's husband - and Olivia Bowman Jackson), In/Side (performed by Samuel Lee Roberts), and Revelations (Alvin Ailey's most popular and critically acclaimed work that's been performed for 50 years).

No, Linda Celeste Sims didn't perform that night...unfortunately =(. But it was GREAT to see some of the company perform that night regardless. So inspiring! I swear, I have a love/hate thing for dancers. I hate them for being able to do such graceful and admirable things...I envy them. But at the same time, I have such a respect for them, and I'm in awe of the things they are able to do. I LOVE DANCE!

Photo by Andrew Eccles

Wednesday was the middle of the week, so it was somewhat a struggle, but pretty much chill. I think if you can make it through Wednesday, you can last the rest of the week.

On Thursday, I had an interview with the Magic Johnson Foundation for the Taylor Michaels Scholarship. I was more nervous than a new guy in a prison shower block, but overall, I think it went well. I was interviewed by two people, and I'll know if I got the scholarship in two weeks. AH! *Fingers crossed!*

YES! The end of the week had come. Friday was a pretty chill day too, but I was kind of tired, because I went to bed around 3:30am and woke up at 5:00am to go to the gym. But, overall I was just happy the weekend was almost in reach.

Also, something that was new for me this week is that I started waking up at 5:00am to go the gym to work out. If you read my About Nia section, you'll see on the bottom that I like working out hahaha. So pretty much, I work out at around 5:30am and 8:00am on Mondays through Fridays...and 6:30am tomorrow. I haven't set a time for the weekends haha

But today, I went to church and had a nice rest. I might be getting dragged to a party soon(?), so I had to do this post real quick.

I hope you all had a great week, and have a great rest of the weekend! Much love :)

Pictures: No Copyright Infringement Intended


Naturally 7 on BET Honors

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

As I was thinking of something to post up here, I suddenly thought, "Oh my goodness! How come I haven't showed them some Naturally 7 stuff?!" But then I remembered I did in August in a post called NATURALLY 7 - Not a cappella, VOCAL PLAY. (I encourage you to look at that post after you see this.) But then I thought, "I could show a video of them on BET!" So that's what I'm going to do. But first, here's some background...

In my last post about Naturally 7, I said, "Many people say that Naturally 7 is an a cappella group, but they're not. They created and practice the art of vocal play. What is the difference between Vocal Play and a cappella? A cappella is defined as singing without instruments. Vocal Play is singing AS instruments, and BECOMING an instrument with the voice." This is still true. Everything they do, every sound you hear is coming from their own human voices.

The members of the band include: Roger and Warren Thomas, my uncle Garfield Buckley, Rod Eldridge, Dwight Stewart, Armand "Hops" Hutton, and Napoleon "Polo" Cummings (who just recently replaced former member Jamal Reed 3 months ago).

So here's the deal. Last week on February 22, 2011, Naturally 7 performed at the BET Honors 2011 to pay a tribute to musical legend Herbie Hancock. The video below is their performance. Watch and enjoy.

What did you think of that?! Clearly, Herbie and everyone else in the crowd were amazed. For the record, they don't only do instrumental stuff...they do a little bit of everything. I encourage you to look at more of their stuff, and if you need a start, you can watch the videos in my first post about them HERE.

N7 is popular in parts Europe, but they're really trying to make a breakthrough in the U.S.; however, people ANYWHERE are invited to enjoy their music! Thanks for reading and watching and PLEASE support them!

P.S. This will NOT be my last post on them. I'm always trying to promote this group. =)

Become a fan on Facebook:

For all things Naturally 7:

The picture above is the cover of Naturally 7's latest album, Vocal Play.

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