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So long. Farewell. Auf Wiedersehen. Goodbye.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Most of you may know that The Oprah Winfrey Show came to an end yesterday. Some of you may think I'm the lamest person for this, but I was tearing up in the beginning. Oprah has been a part of my life for a long time, and I've learned many things from her.

I mean I listen to Oprah and Friends on SiriusXM Radio, my mom has a sweatshirt from going to one of her shows, almost all of The Oprah Magazines, DVDs, and so on, so when I heard that the 25th season would be her last, I was devastated.

I was somewhat relieved that she would have the Oprah Winfrey Network, but one of my goals was to be featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Ha. That's a bust. Dream killed.

But I'm not mad at her for leaving. She has every right to, I suppose. I do love hearing "Live your best life" or when she's quoting Dr. Maya Angelou's phrase "When you know better, you do better". I don't agree with everything she's said, but there are so many sayings, phrases, and insights that I've learned from her. She's shown me so many things, people, good, and get the picture.

Some of my favorite quotes from yesterday's monologue are...

"Don't wait for someone else to complete you. 'Jerry Maguire' was just a movie."

"Nobody but you is responsible for your life. You are responsible for your life. What is your life? What is all life? What is every flower, every rock, every tree? Energy. And you're responsible for the energy you create for yourself, and you're responsible for the energy that you bring to others."

I liked when she said that everyone has a platform.

"Mine is a stage in a studio. Yours is wherever you are, with your own reach."

I also LOVED how she gave God the glory for her success.

"People ask me how I made it? I say a great staff...and JESUS! Nothing but the hand of God made this possible for me, and when I say God, I mean the Alpha & the Omega. The one and only G-O-D"

"We have hooted and hollered together, had our a-ha moments, we ugly-cried together and we did our gratitude journals. So I thank you all for your support and your trust in me. I thank you for sharing this yellow brick road of blessings. ...I thank you for being as much of a sweet inspiration for me as I've tried to be for you. I won't say goodbye. I'll just say, until we meet again. To God be the glory."

At that moment, when she turned away, (again, you're gonna think I'm lame) I was straight up bawling. Oh my days. And I do not cry, so that was really something. Shoot.

If you don't care for Oprah, you can just ignore this post. Aha sorry for saying that near the end, but anyway, I emailed her today. It would be beyond awesome if I got something back from her, but I know my email is one among millions.

That's all I really wanted to say. A quick reflection and 'thank you' to Miss Oprah Winfrey.

Photo citation:


The Book of Questions: Question 1

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Good news, readers! I've come up with something to do if I'm short on time and my blog looks a little dry...

I'm gonna select a question from The Book of Questions by Gregory Stock, Ph.D., write it up, give my answer, and ask for your answer. I select the not-too-personal questions, and hopefully questions that wouldn't offend anyone.

Now, remember, when I do this, I'm stating my opinion. As I always do. I'm also asking for your opinion on the featured question. I want to hear what you have to say.

So, here we go!

For a person you loved deeply, would you be willing to move to a distant country knowing there would be little chance of seeing your friends or family again?

No, because I love all my family deeply as well as my friends. So, I don't think I would sacrifice all my friends and family just for one person. If the God was the one I would have to move for, I would probably struggle with it for while, but in the end, I might.

Now I wanna hear YOUR RESPONSE...or even comments/questions on my response.

Look forward to a bunch of these! Much love.


I'm so busy that I can't even keep up with myself!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hello, readers. I am so terribly sorry that my blogging grind is wayyyy off. I've been out of town every month doing stuff. I have forgotten how busy my life actually is. I'm still in the midst of planning parties and trips, but I have not forgotten about my fellow bloggers, readers, or subscribers. I WILL have time for you all in the next couple of weeks.

But first...SHOUT OUT to my new followers! (the ones I didn't see the last time I logged in)

lil miss Sauniya' of I Am not Perfect..!.!.!

Shamil of shamil photography

Michelle Lee of

Ayo' Zariie o__O of Life Of The Young Setter

Jennifer Jane of Pastel nude


BIG THANKS to each and every one of you!

To any of my followers: If I have failed to follow one of your blogs back, please let me know by commenting on this post.

Also, if you want a shout out or a feature on NIA SPEAKS, feel free to email me at

Now, until next time, I'm gonna leave you with this pointless, but kind of funny video...

Enjoy your day, and much love!

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Eksistensi Sanggar Seni Seroja SMAN Pintar

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Penari Somba CeranoPembina dan Penari Tari Somba Cerano dari Sanggar Seni Seroja SMAN Pintar


Eksistensi atau Keberadaan Sanggar Seni Seroja di SMAN Pintar, sudah mulai menunjukkan hasil yang membanggakan. Beberapa waktu yang lalu Sanggar Seni Seroja mengikuti Parade Tari Daerah ke VII di Kuansing. Kegiatan ini di Taja oleh Dinas Budaya Pariwisata Pemuda Olah Raga. untuk melihat beritanya klik disini

Dengan terus Eksis dalam setiap even dan kegiatan yang berada di Kuansing atau pun luar Kuansing. Akan memberikan kontribusi positif bagi perkembangan Life Skill (Kecakapan Hidup) di bidang kreatifitas seni siswa yang berada di SMAN Pintar. Karena setiap insan (siswa) di berikan potensi yang berbeda salah satunya adalah Seni.

 Sekilas Mengenai Sanggar Seni Seroja SMAN Pintar

Sanggar Seni Seroja adalah wadah kreatifitas seni Siswa SMAN Pintar Kuantan Singingi Riau. Dibawah naungan OSIS SMAN Pintar. Sanggar ini berdiri bersamaan berdirinya SMAN Pintar  Juni 2007. Sanggar Seni Seroja (Seroja:Sekumpulan Remaja On Aktif) memiliki berbagai prestasi dibidang seni.


Kegiatan Seni yang di Bina oleh Sanggar Seni Seroja SMAN Pintar:

-Seni Musik (Musik Tradisional dan Musik Modern)

-Seni Tari (Tari Tradisional dan Tari Modern)

-Seni Teater (Pembuatan Film)


Dibawah bimbingan Ronaldo Rozalino S.Sn Sanggar Seni Seroja akan terus berkarya dan berusaha menuangkan kreatifitas seni siswa SMAN Pintar. Dengan tetap mempertahankan jati diri bangsa.


Prestasi yang pernah diraih dan capai oleh Sanggar Seni Seroja SMAN Pintar:


1. Seni Musik dan Teater

   Penampilan Drama Musikal “Magfirah”  17 Agustus 2007 yang di Hadiri oleh Bupati

   Kuansing H.Sukarmis dan Pejabat Pemerintahan Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi

   (Pada Waktu itu SMAN Pintar baru berdiri 3 bulan)


2.Seni Musik dan Tari

   Peserta Festifal Kesenian Daerah 21-23 Agustus 2007

   -Penampilan Seni Tari Tradisional dengan Judul Tari Smart Berzapin (Meraih

    Peringkat 5 Besar dari 12 Peserta)

  - Penampilan Seni Musik; Dendang Melayu (10 Besar dari 27 Peserta)

  - Penampilan Seni Teater Lawak


3.Seni Musik

   -Peserta KRESPEL; Desember 2007

     Kreasi Pelajar 3 di SMAN 1 Teluk Kuantan -Dendang Melayu Putra (Juara 5

    Besar), Dendang Melayu Putri (Juara 5 Besar), Festival Band; G-Nuse Band (Juara

     10 Besar dari 45 Grup band Se-Riau), Fashion Show (Juara 5 Besar)


4.Seni Musik

   Juara I Lomba Paduan Suara SLTA se Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi dalam Rangka

   Memperingati Hari Kebangkitan Nasional ke 100 di Taja Dinas BPMPKB Kuansing



5.Seni Teater

  Pembuatan FILM sutradara muda berbakat; Yofhi Rio Nicha Dewi (Film: Sajadah

  Sujud), Sri Wahyuni (Film: Cintaku Di Pagaruyung), Wilda Fitriani Usman (Film:

   Detik-Detik Kelulusan) 2008.


6.Seni Musik

  Juara 1 Lomba Paduan Suara yang di Taja Darma Wanita Kuansing Tahun 2009.


7.Seni Musik

   Grup Band Favorit oleh G-Nuse 2009 ditaja oleh BNK Badan Narkotika Nasional


8.Seni Musik

   Pemain Bass Favorit 2010 di Taja oleh Why Not Organizer


9.Seni Tari

    Penampilan Tari Somba Cerano di Depan Bupati Kuansing H.Sukarmis dalam

    Kegiatan Perpisahan Alumni Perdana SMAN Pintar (Sang Perintis) 2010


10. Seni Musik

     Penampilan Grup Band G-Nuse di Depan Bupati Kuansing H.Kuansing dalam

     Kegiatan Perpisahan Siswa Kelas XII IPA Tahun 2010 di SMAN Pintar


11. Seni Tari

      Peringkat IV Parade Tari Daerah ke VII di Kuansing  dengan Judul Tari “Manakiak

      Kito” Penata Musik Ronaldo Rozalino S.Sn, Penata Musik Yeyen Febrina S,Sn di

      Taja Dinas Budaya Pariwisata Pemuda Olah Raga Mei 2011


Semoga dengan Adanya Wadah Kreatifitas Seni , akan memberikan kontibusi dan manfaat yang positif dalam menggali potensi (life Skill) untuk menjadi pribadi yang unggul Aktif, Kreatif dan Inovatif….Salam AKI. Source:


Parade Tari Daerah VII Kuansing : Sanggar Seni Seroja SMAN Pintar Meriahkan Parade

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Parade Tari Daerah ke VII di Kuansing Berlangsung Meriah dan Kompetitif. yang berlangsung di gedung Kesenian� Narosa� yang diikuti SMA/SMK/MA dari sembilan kecamatan dari Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi di buka oleh Bupati Kuansing yang diwakili oleh Asisten II H. Marduyut, SE. Kegiatan ini merupakan seleksi untuk mengikuti Parade Tari kreasi Tradisional tingkat Propinsi dilaksanakan oleh Dinas Pariwitasa Kab. Kuansing juga memperebutkan Piala Bergilir Bupati Kuantan Singingi.

Parade Tari Daerah ke VII di Kuansing Berlangsung Meriah dan Kompetitif 2

Penari dari Sanggar Seni Seroja SMAN Pintar Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi dengan Judul Tari “Manakiak Kito” Korografer Yeyen Febrina S.Sn dan Penata Musik Ronaldo Rozalino S.Sn


Parade Tari Daerah ke VII di Kuansing Berlangsung Meriah dan Kompetitif 3

Dewan Juri: Drs. Destiland M.Hum, Epi Martison, Eni Kuswati S.Pd


My Favorite Pieces from ROB GONSALVES

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

There is an artist who I have just recently become a fan of named Rob Gonsalves. You'll see why I like him in a minute, but first, how about some background on the man.

Taken from

"Artist Rob Gonsalves was born in Toronto, Canada in 1959. During his childhood, he developed an interest in drawing from imagination using various media. By age twelve, his awareness of architecture grew as he learned perspective techniques and began to do his first paintings and renderings of imagined buildings.

After an introduction to Artists Dali and Tanguy, Gonsalves began his first surrealist paintings. The "Magic Realism" approach of Magritte along with the precise perspective illusions of Escher came to be influences in his future work.

In his post college years, Gonsalves worked full time as an architect, also painting trompe l’oeil murals and theatre sets. After an enthusiastic response in 1990 at the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, Gonsalves devoted himself to painting full time.

Although Gonsalves’ work is often categorized as surrealistic, it differs as the images are deliberately planned and result from conscious thought. Ideas are largely generated by the external world and involve recognizable human activities, using carefully planned illusionist devices. Gonsalves injects a sense of magic into realistic scenes. As a result, the term "Magic Realism" describes his work accurately. His work is an attempt to represent human beings’ desire to believe in the impossible.

In June of 2003, Simon and Schuster introduced North America and Canada to Imagine a Night, Gonsalves’ first hardcover book featuring sixteen paintings. In October of 2004, Sterling Publishing released masters of Deception. A hardcover book featuring, Gonsalves’ image The Sun Sets Sail on the cover, and including a 16 page chapter on the artist.

Due to the success of Imagine A Night, Simon & Schuster released Imagine A Day, a companion book in February of 2005. Followed by “Imagine A Place” in 2008. Sellers Publishing produced his first wall calendar for 2009, titled “master of Illusion” and another was released for 2010. Gonsalves has been recognized as the most famous living surrealist painter in North America, and is currently published by Huckleberry Fine Art in Rockville, Maryland."

Now, here are seventeen of my favorite pieces from Mr. Gonsalves (in no particular order).

1. Acrobatic Engineering

2. Carved In Stone

3. Deluged

4. Fall Colour Flies

5. Cathedral of Commerce

6. Change of Scenery II (Making Mountains)

7. Sweet City

8. Table Top Towers

9. The Mosaic Moat

10. House By The Railroad

11. White Blanket

12. Widow's Walk

13. Towers of Knowledge

14. Still Waters

15. The Library

16. Tree House In Autumn

17. Bedtime Aviation

YEAH! That's about it for me! If you had any, which ones were your favorite?!

If you like to see more from Rob Gonsalves, click HERE.

I hope you all have a fantastic day, and if you have any suggestions for blog topics for me, feel free to email me at!

Pictures' citation:


Penari Tari Somba Cerano di SMAN Pintar

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Penari Tari Somba Cerano di SMAN Pintar 

Penari Tari Somba Cerano di SMAN Pintar


Penari Tari Somba Cerano di SMAN Pintar3

Penari Tari Somba Cerano di SMAN Pintar bersama Pembinaq Sanggar Seni Seroja (Sekumpulan Remaja Aktif) SMAN Pintar: Ronaldo Rozalino S.Sn


"Move Your Body" -Beyoncé

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hey guys! I know this is the THIRD post in a row in which the label is "Music", but I promise I have good stuff coming your way real soon.

Anyway, I quickly wanted to share with you Beyoncé's "Move Your Body" video for the NABEF and First Lady Michelle Obama's "Let's Move!" initiative. The movement is all about promoting exercise and eating right, which are two things that are very dear to my heart.

In this video, you will see what is called the Flash Workout, which is a pre-choreographed dance/exercise routine.

Whether you like Beyoncé or not, I encourage you to watch this video.

What'd you think? Yeahh I'm going to learn this. =)

P.S. Again, stay tuned! I'm coming with some good stuff for you all really soon! Have a great day!

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