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Pointillism by Nia Langley

Monday, January 30, 2012

If you read the About Nia section, you'd know that I practice the art of pointillism in which small distinct dots create a big picture. Everything in this album is done by yours truly and consists of numerous dots from Sharpie markers.

My first pointillism picture.

The final product.

Supposedly Tyra Banks

I'm not gonna lie. I am disappointed in my Tyra piece. It looks nothing like her. Ugh.
That's what I get for finishing at 3AM..

What should I do next?

Last picture: New York Times Magazine


Inspiration: Lost in Motion

Monday, January 23, 2012

I just really liked this. That is all.

AND his body is perfect? Come on. That's awesome.

See you soon!


Words Often Used and Abused: Love

Monday, January 16, 2012

"I love that movie!"

"I love this nail polish!"

"I love your shoes!"

"I love sleeping."

"I love potato chips."

"I love you."

Something isn't right here. If someone said, "I love potato chips." and then turned around and said, "I love you.", how would you feel?

Am I suggesting that feelings for a person can be equal to feelings for food? Not exactly; but I think it's safe to say that's it's getting pretty difficult to tell the difference between love and like.

"They say HATE is a strong word, but they throw around LOVE like it's nothing."

Side note: Who are they? I've always wondered...

I agree with this quote. Love is supposed to be an intense feeling of deep affection. Are people really having intense feelings of deep affection all the time for a bunch of different things? Doubt it. So why is love being said more often than not?

Love is not "like".

Love is not "fond of".

Love is not "admiration".

Love is not "infatuation".

Love is love.

Side note: Ever had those times when you write a word so much, it starts to look weird? Almost as if you spelled it wrong? I'm having one of those moments...

Love has been confused with things like "like" and "infatuation", and quite frankly, it's unfortunate.

You could listen to a song ONCE and say "I love this song!" when you only like the song.

You could be dating someone for three days and say "I love you." when, in fact, you're only infatuated with him or her. Yes, infatuation is an intense passion, but it's usually short-lived.

I mean, you're getting my point, right?

Before I wrap this up, let me make one thing clear: When I point a finger, three more are pointing back at me. That's why I usually point like this...

Haha! I'm kidding!

But anyway, I, too, am guilty of abusing this precious word. I supposedly love shopping, when I'm really just unhealthily addicted to it. I supposedly love blogging, when, in fact, I simply enjoy doing it. I could say I love an outfit, when I really just like the way it looks. I could say I love a city, when I really just prefer that city over where I currently reside. I say things like I love the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, when I really just admire the company. I REALLY admire the company. :)

You understand, right?

Just like the word "friend" has been dumbed down, "love" has been dumbed down. The sad thing is, most people know that a lot of the "love" out there nowadays isn't that serious; and it could get to the point where if someone has REAL love for someone else or something else, it won't be taken as seriously.

Is it too late to salvage what's left of the word?

I try to use the appropriate terms for my feelings towards something or someone, but I slip up more often than not.

That's all I'm gonna say on the matter for now. I hope you all got something from this post.

Do you have any thoughts about love? Let me know!

Take care.


Little Graceman

Friday, January 13, 2012

So, do any of you know of Anna Graceman? I believe she was on America's Got Talent sometime ago.

Well, her 5 year old sister is letting us know that she will not let anything get in the way of her getting a job - including a man. The adorable toddler states in the first video that she won't be getting married until she has a job.

This next video is of the toddler complementing Jerry Seinfield and saying she wants to be a comedian. This is a follow-up to the preceding video.

Did this make you laugh or smile?

Meanwhile (hey, that rhymed), I promise to post some good stuff really soon. School started for me again yesterday, and I have a new roommate. (She's pretty nice. Don't worry.)

Have a great day, and try to hold on until the weekend. I know I am!


Beautiful People. Beautiful Things. (Segment 3)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Hello, beautiful people!

Today, I decided to post the third segment of "Beautiful People. Beautiful Things." If you're not familiar with what this is, these posts are rather simple. I post photographs of beautiful people and beautiful things. Those photos are mainly photos that inspire me, make me laugh...or think. They are photos that I simply like. Whatever.

I do my best to give proper photo credit, but anyways, here's segment three!

Charles Michael Davis - Photo by Danika Singfield

McGhee Family - Peters Photography

Christian Louboutin Silver Studded Rollerball Loafers

Ryan Allen Sheckler

Yannick Lebrun, from the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, in Robert Battle's TAKADEME - Photo by Eduardo Patino

Yannick Lebrun, from the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, in Robert Battle's TAKADEME - Photo by Andrew Eccles

The company Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in Judith Jamison's HYMN - Photo by Paul Kolnik

I hope you enjoyed this. I'll be sure to give you some good posts in the near future! Hope you're having a great 2012 so far!

Peace and love!

Photos: No copyright infringement intended.

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