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It's me talking.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Hello to whoever is reading this and thanks for stopping by. This might end up being some random post but there are some things I'd like to address. So here it goes...
First of all, I just got back from out of town. My school went on a retreat and I got close and closer to many of people. Throughout the trip, some students would share their stories. Their stories, especially the story from my friend Matt, just really had me thinking about stuff, and I put many things into perspective. Time is precious and we need to take advantage of every second of it. People need to get their lives together, me included and we can't keep living life just thinking about the moment.
Rapper, Da' T.R.U.T.H., said once that "Either this life is meaningless, or it's meaning is eclipsed by a series of a events that satisfy for the moment. But once your moment has passed, your moment's the past and POOF! Dude, you can't revive it or hold it." That's is EXTREMELY true. So this week I realized that there are many things I can do better as a person and I'm hoping I can follow through with what I've decided to do to improve myself.
Now, on to the next thing. I'm trying to make my blog better so does anyone know of a good software to design templates? I just need somewhere to start off. Eventually, I'll get someone professional to do it but I don't really have graphic designing software at the moment. So if you can help me out with any of that (like knowing of a software or suggesting a designer), please feel free to drop a comment on this post. =)
To kind of feed off of the last paragraph, another way I feel would help my blog and motivate me to keep it going is for many people to know about it. What exactly is there to do to promote a page? What are your techniques? If you have any suggestions for me, leave a comment.
Side note: If you're reading this and you're not a subscriber, I encourage to please click 'Follow'! Also, it'd be REALLY nice of you to promote NIA SPEAKS...but only if you want to. No pressure :)
Another brief thing I want to say is that I was HIGHLY upset that I was not in New York City enjoying the thrill of fashion week. That is all I will say or else I might become even more upset..=p
Lastly, I would like to blog about topics that are relevant to my followers and others. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you can think of anything that you would like me to blog about, let me know. Any topic, any person, anything. I'd love to get suggestions and I'd also appreciate feedback on NIA SPEAKS. So, you should know the drill by now and if not it's COMMENT THIS and help me out.
Thanks again readers! I'm looking forward to your feedback. Have an amazing weekend! :)
~Nia A.D.L.
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loving on these...
finally made a painting today!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
I still like the design better than the painting ... but I'm pretty satisfied with the result (maybe I'll make some little adjustments tomorrow)

More old work for Averbode

Some old work for Averbode

end of the weekend that i never had...
Monday, September 13, 2010
Lebaran Dan Rupa-Rupa
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Benar kata orang, lebaran itu lebih enak di rumah. Mau seperti apa bentuk rumahnya, home sweet home.
Mudik merupakan sebuah seni menjelang lebaran, momen sekali setahun berkumpul dengan keluarga, dengan tujuan yang khusus.
Bagaimanapun keadaannya, mudik adalah hal yang wajib bagi yang jauh dari rumahnya.
Ucapan maaf ketika mencium tangan orang-orang tercinta saat lebaran terasa khidmat, diiringi gema takbir yang membuat semuanya menjadi lebih syahdu.
Dulu waktu aku kecil, lebaran adalah baju baru, kue-kue yang banyak dan salam tempel dari keluarga.
Ditambah makanan seperti rendang, ketupat, dendeng balado, ayam gule sampai lemang. Lebaran yang seperti itu selalu ditunggu.
Berkunjung dari satu rumah ke rumah yang lain, berharap isi kantong semakin banyak. Lebaran yang menyenangkan.
Sampai sekarang, suasana itulah yang selalu ditampilkan lebaran.*tapi sekarang baju baru beli sendiri dan jatah salam tempel adalah milik ponakan-ponakan*
Dua kali aku kehilangan momen itu.
Dua kali aku berganti suasana lebaran, tahun lalu di satu tempat yang istimewa di tengah Jawa dan kali ini di Ibukota negara ini.*Mudah mudahan tidak jadi bang Toyib*
Banyak perbedaannya, tapi yang jelas satu yang sama. Dua-duanya bukan di rumah.
Rasanya..? lain, cobalah tanya pada orang yang pernah melewatkan mudik.
Setelah sholat Ied kemarin, aku ngebut dari Casablanca sampai Sudirman, melewati Kuningan terus ke Gatsu dan balik lagi ke Pancoran-Tebet.
Mungkin di hari biasa, butuh lebih setengah hari melewati rute itu.
Sempat aku pelankan laju motorku di Sudirman, dan berhenti di dekat patungnya.
Yang kupikirkan adalah, biarlah Sudirman yang menjadi orang pertama menerima jabatan tangan permintaan maafku, sayang terlalu tinggi dan aku tidak ingin berakhir seperti Naga Bonar.
Jadi bagaimana lebaranmu kali ini kawan?
Aku pernah ditanya begini, "apa makna lebaran buatmu?"
Berkumpul dan bergembira. Sesimpel itulah jawabanku.
Aku tidak pernah merasa lebaran sebagai sebuah hari kemenangan.
Lebaran adalah saat dimana kita berkumpul dan bergembira dengan orang-orang terdekat kita.
Bergembiralah bagi yang sedang berkumpul dengan orang-orang terdekatnya.
Dan buat orang-orang yang jauh dari rumahnya, karena alasan pekerjaan, kuliah, ekonomi sampai yang tidak kuat fisik, tetaplah bergembira.
Walaupun wajah tidak berhadapan, tangan tidak berjabat, biarlah hati yang bertemu.
Selamat hari raya Idul Fitri 1431 H,
Mohon maaf lahir dan batin.
I had NO idea.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Soooo Willow Smith is not even ten yet and she has a voice like this?!?! What?!
I saw a few people on Facebook talking about Willow and at first, I paid it no mind. But as I kept seeing people talk about her, I decided to check it out.
The buzz is about Willow's new song "Whip My Hair". I still cannot BELIEVE this girl has a voice like that. That's good for a nine year-old. The announcement was made today that she has been signed to Roc Nation.
All I gotta say is, Willow has a bright future.
Here's the song.
~Nia A.D.L.
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teachery style + a lil more
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
THROW'D TV - Queen Latifah Essentials
Monday, September 6, 2010
Hahaa this video is a couple years old but I haven't seen it in a long time. It's HILARIOUS and when I watched it again, I just felt like sharing so here we go...
Throw'd TV Presents: Queen Latifah Essentials
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~Nia A.D.L.
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