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Best Whishes for 2010

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Beste wensen 2009-2010 from Andreas De Ridder on Vimeo.


TAPIR STUDIOS website: under construction

Tuesday, December 29, 2009



Monday, December 28, 2009


Christmas Card (E-card in the making)



Linetest Christmas e-card (ending not animated yet)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

work in progress...


my obsession knows no bounds...

i don't know why...but i am strangely attracted to paulyd of jersey shore.  i mean under any normal circumstance, i would never...but i see magic there.  i see it.

some snooki magic: listen, i got a fuckin hot tub!



a lil inspiration here and there

Thursday, December 17, 2009

i think zac and vanessa OBVIOUSLY got the memo.  i have been rockin this look every other night for the past 2 weeks.  however, i go all the way and wear black sweatpants to match.  they look so hood...yet feel so comfortable in their own skin.  i kinda wanna mug someone in these sweats (currently wearing btw) but i don't think i could peel myself off this bed...ever.

tracie egan has been my hero for a little over a year now.  if you don't know who she is...well you should.  she is a blogger for jezebel and she stars in pot psychology (a featuring her and her best friend  richfofo) pretty much they smoke weed and answer people's weird sexual/dating questions. straight up,  they are amazing...she is amazing and she just got married.  i found this pic and i thought it was adorable.  she spends all her time vidblogging about being the "slutmachine" on jezebel and her personal blog one d at a time but now look at her!  it's really cute this ho is now a housewife (figuratively!)

this is a wall fixture in the jersey shore house...all i have to say is my next apartment WILL HAVE THIS. i will make it...where there's a will there's a way.  but the state in the middle won't be jersey, it's gotta be michigan...the murder mitten.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? this is the cutest thing i have ever seen in my life. sequoia??? what a sweet name to match the cutest kitten known to mankind!!!

wow.  look at all the squares, then look at that badass kid.  jeez, i want that outfit and the attitude to match.  this kid has more magic in his pinky nail than most the people i know.  fuck...speechless.



Alter Ego, Sebuah Passion

Monday, December 14, 2009

Apakah kau punya alter ego..?

Kalau menurut wikipedia, Alter ego adalah “a second life, a second personality, or persona within a person. It was coined in the early nineteenth century when schizophrenia was first described by early”. Dengan bahasa yang lebih sederhana, alter ego mendeskripsikan sisi lain dari diri kita yang bisa menggambarkan sisi buruk ataupun sisi baik.

Kalau menurutku, alter ego adalah "passion", situasi dimana kita menjadi sebuah karakter yang berbeda, berinteraksi dengan karakter itu, hingga dinilai dari karakter itu.

Ada orang yang nyaman menjadi dirinya sendiri di dunia maya, menampilkan kesehariannya, hingga orang mengenalnya dan tahu keadaannya dari tulisannya. *sudah jadi temannya di dunia nyata*
Ada orang yang lebih nyaman membuat sebuah karakter di dunia maya, tidak ingin dikenal, benar-benar berbeda dari kesehariannya, simpelnya adalah menjadi anonim.

Aku punya alter ego, di dunia nyata mungkin aku tidak sengaja atau secara tidak sadar memunculkan karakter itu, lalu menjalaninya.
Di dunia maya berbeda, aku secara sadar menciptakan alter egoku sendiri, sebagai satu bentuk usaha 'menikmati' sudut pandang dari sisi yang berbeda.

Alasannya sederhana, aku hanya ingin melihat satu reaksi utuh dari orang lain di satu tempat, tanpa ada embel-embel tempat yang lain.
"Dia kan si anu yang punya blog ini.." atau "tulisanmu kok beda sih dari yang di blog satunya, lebih enak baca yang ini"

Bayangkan bertemu orang yang kau tahu di suatu tempat, kau tahu tentang dia dan dia tidak mengenalmu. Kau dengan karaktermu di tempat itu, tersenyum dan memperkenalkan diri, lalu semuanya berjalan seperti biasanya, karaktermu itu akhirnya melekat di tempat itu, orang yang sama mengenalmu di tempat lain akhirnya mengenalmu juga di tempat yang berbeda, dengan karaktermu yang berbeda. Buatku ini menarik. *anggap saja aku sedikit tidak waras.. :P*

Aku membuktikannya di dunia maya, menciptakan karakter berbeda di tempat lain, hingga orang mengenalku dengan karakter itu.
Ada beberapa orang yang sering mampir di blog ini berinteraksi denganku di tempat lain, dengan karakterku yang lain.

Walaupun begitu, aku juga harus menyeimbangkan dengan realita yang terjadi di kehidupan nyataku, menjadi diriku sendiri dengan keseharianku yang ingin kuabadikan dalam bentuk tulisan yang biasa saja, tentang perjalanan hidupku yang akan kubaca kelak.
Blog ini adalah refleksiku di dunia nyata yang tertulis di dunia maya, tanpa harus menciptakan alter ego.

Dan aku baru saja memutuskan untuk 'mematikan' satu alter egoku di dunia maya, sebuah karakter di sebuah tempat yang menyenangkan untukku beberapa bulan ini.
Kembali lagi, semuanya tentang passion, anonimitas yang mulai kelihatan, mood yang hampir habis dan gairah karakter itu mulai memudar.

Ketika berbenturan dengan kenyataan, ada baiknya berhenti memanjakan ego. Seperti tokoh yang sukses dimainkan oleh seorang bintang film atau tokoh yang begitu menginspirasi dalam cerita novel hingga bisa dibayangkan, alter ego tetap akan jadi sebuah 'passion'.

Apakah kau punya alter ego..? terserah, biar itu menjadi kenikmatan sendiri-sendiri, tanpa harus melewati batas yang bernama hati dan akal.


drunky post: cute babies

Sunday, December 13, 2009

boy do i love a good cute baby vid. i am actually a little drunky right now coming home 
from a wes anderson party. loyola kids sure do love their theme parties. i felt old and like 
i was dressed for the theme and they weren't. whatev, anyway i got on ONTD when i 
got home. i found this video of the dude who was the headmaster in rushmore 
( i was max fischer!!). it was too adorable...and i apologize is this post doesn't flow or make 
sense. SO SORRY I TRIED!!!


if you're a hater, i've got a full time job for you!

the latest craze to sweep my life is MTV's jersey shore.  think real world but on the jersey shore and fill the slots with "the craziest hottest guidos and guidettes," (their words, not mine).  i can smell the spray tan and aqua net through the tv.  it's a beautiful thing.

the weird part about these lovely italian americans (much like myself) is that they all have nicknames.  is that a requirement on the jersey shore?  there is jenni "JWOWW," mike "the situation," nicole "snooki" (my personal FAVE), DJ pauly D, and sammi "sweetheart."  seriously only 3 of these people do not have an alias.  i created my own since i was so inspired by the jersey shores level of intelligence and class: angelbaby rossi.  it's pretty standard...what can i say?


what else can i say about the train wreck?  everyone is orange as hell.  i am fighting my tanning addiction but these people are tanorexic.  it's gross.  and all the dudes are waxed eyebrows and wear douchebag button ups with like rhinestones and crosses and shit.   the girls like to wear little to no clothing and about a centimeter thick of wet'n'wild bronzer and black eyeliner.  it's inspirational, better yet ASPIRATIONAL!!!

there is a little controversy because in the next episode my gurl snooki gets punched square in the face by some asshole.  i have the gif because MTV is saying they won't air the clip because it sends the wrong message.  THIS WHOLE SHOW SENDS THE WRONG MESSAGE...ABOUT EVERYTHING!  and since when has MTV had anything remotely close to values or morals?  they exploit's what they do.  i have never complained until now.  damn, that punch is raw as hell. hahahaha, i love you jersey shore!!! take me there!



follow up:

Thursday, December 10, 2009

so lilo had some movie associated with her MUSE magazine shoot.  there was absolutely nothing to that film other than an excuse for her to breathe with her mouth open, play with her hair, roll around with lit cigarettes and a half naked dude.  i don't get it.

a little birdie told me THIS is the hot new toy of the season. not gonna lie, i dig it.  i want it.  it's called ZHU ZHU.  what an amazing name.  i always tend to accidently kill or neglect my pet rodents, this would probably fill that void.  decisions, decisions.

once again: chace crawford.  i am really feelin this picture.  i guess it's from some movie called Twelve that's coming out soon.  might have to see it now, i am intrigued what kind of trouble nate archibald has gotten himself into.

MS PAINT PORN...thank you micah.  this shit, is HILARIOUS.  google it.  can you even tell what that is?

on the subject of hamsters: this is just plain cute.


star fuckers inc.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

let's get the worst out of the way...not cute lilo.  this looks like porn.  her fake lips, tits, and tan look porn-ish.  i just don't think it is desirable, she is scaring me these days.

forget about the right half...this picture kinda take my breath away.  he is glowing.  i know people are sick of this shit...i am too.  but he is just really pretty.

am i still down?  maybe.  but i really like that crawl song.

ahhhh t. swift does it again!  she is so precious, i am jealous of all that hair...i will be even more jealous if it's real.

nate archibald never really did it for me...but in this picture he actually seems desirable.  god i love gossip girl so much.  i hope that's not annoying to people lol.

BEST THING I SAW ALL DAY.  dead ringer.


whoa. are you completely dead k.stew???



Ik moet nog 8 kaarsen voor Amnestie International verkopen tegen Donderdag 10/12!!!
Wie er eentje wil voor 6€ zegt het maar :)
kleuren: baby blauw(1) , fel rood (2), kanari geel maar dan toch wat gedesatureerd (2), gebroken wit (1), wit wit (1), zwart (1)


just some drawings


shy ronnieeeee

Sunday, December 6, 2009


i luv you riri.


Gak Megang, Cuma Ngelus Doank

"Buka donk sayang"
"Jangan ah, apaan sih"
"Cuma liat doank"
"Gak mau, kamu nekad orangnya. Nanti pasti minta yang aneh-aneh"
"Bungkusnya menggoda sih, pasti dalamnya seksi banget"
"Ih maksa, gak mau ah"
"Cuma pengen liat, dalamnya kayak apa, beneran"
"Oke, tapi cuma liat ya, awas kalo berani pegang"
"Iya, gak megang, paling ngelus doank"
"Gak mau kalo kayak gitu, ntar kejadian lagi"
"Gak bakalan, aku tau kok caranya"
"Aku gak percaya, nanti ngeluarin lidah, trus gigit. Pokoknya nggak"
"Makanya buka dulu, baru dibuktiin"
"Ya udah nih"

"Jangan pegang...!!!!!"
"Tenang sayang........ Akkkkhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

"Dibilangin jangan dipegang. Ini ular, bukan ulekan"

*terinspirasi untuk membuat cerita dalam 100 kata setelah liat di rumah kontrakan ada yang nulis beginian, ternyata menarik juga, maaf kalo agak garing, namanya juga nyoba-nyoba. :D*

*Gambarnya diambil dari award bung becce_lawo. Makasih bro dan sorry banget baru diposting sekarang, sebetulnya alasannya garing sih, lagi ada urusan jadi jarang online, blogwalking juga gak sempat, miskin bandwith.
Tapi walaupun begitu, ada atau tanpa award, semoga silaturahmi tetap berjalan.*


wish lists...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

i want everything about this from the hair to the nails, the eye makeup, soft red lips...its so pretty.  I WANT!!!  ps- for thos eof you who don't know, this is annette funicello, the most popular member of the mickey mouse ever.  back when that shit was classy, back when the world was classy.  i am gonna put her above xtina, britney, jt, and ryan i forgetting anyone???

saw this on etsy...i love ouiji boards!  so why not wear one on my neck?  i hate when people come to my house and they see my board and they are all like "i am not fucking with them spirits and shit!" dude, like mattel or hasbro makes that?  i bought it at walmart...perhaps the most unholy place on earth! maybe they are right.

a pekinese/maltese mix puppy!  malti-poos are so out like 2009 and i don't like their curly hair anyway.  this dog is the real deal, a must have for 2010.

ever since ghost world i have wanted a pair of doc marten combat boots.  i think the all black patten leather shiny ones are much more polished...i am going to keep my fingers crossed and hope santa/mommy puts this under the tree for me.  *hint hint*


my trying to be "cute" with my mason jar of juice.  when given the choice, i will only drink from mason jars.  they make me feel all southern and stuff. u can kinda see my palty hair, luv ittttt!!!  xoxoxox!!!



Thursday, December 3, 2009




japan fetishist.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

i spent a lot of time in a japanese market over the holiday weekend.  i ate udon noodles, sushi, and drank milk tea.  i dyed my hair with palty, it even looks good!  later on that weekend i found myself sitting on my back porch, the only white person, surrounded by 3 of my closest friends...all asian.

i think i have a problem!!!

ahhhh!  combining 2 of my favorite things: gossip girl and japan.  i love it.  this looks so much cooler than the american version.

BENTO BOXES!!!  this one is sweet.  i wanted to buy some bento tools but they are SUPER expensive since this is the good shit...and it's imported!

hello kitty lady gaga needs no explanation.

rilakkuma!!! ahh this bear is so important.  his name means relaxed bear.  he likes to hang with his best friend and share mochi and pancakes.  this is a cell phone holder, i need this next to my bed.  i am going to close my eyes and when i wake up...this better be next to me! it is fit for a princess!

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