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W.W.J.B.D? (what would jerri blank do?)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

barf is right!  did anyone watch true blood this sunday?  it was beyond beyond beyond what i am used to.  this sex scene was pretty awful.  the show is just about porn, which i am okay with but this combination...ickkkkk.  and the end with the hate sex and the head twisting i was sitting there like this: O_o
not cool.  but it can't stop me, and it won't.  onto next week!

(thanks to ev for finding this pic for me!)
woohoo!! big ups to courtney for giving me the heads up on his tour/new book.  i just figure what the hell!  i love him, i love his show, i think he is sexy in a silver fox kinda way.  i am stoked.  hopefully i will take a pic with him.  when i met paula deen she called me doll and i just about melted like butter.

madonna in the 70's i believe in DETROIT (represent please!)
i love the style, i love her dress, the shoes, the socks.  maybe i would be brave enough to wear this when my training comes to an end (with biker shorts of course).  it's been 3 weeks, this will be my 4th week and i feel pretty strong. but i def don't think i could take madonna these days...have you seen those guns???

this is a lil whack and out of character for kim k but totally in character for me.  i love the leggings, giant shirt, wet hair (there's nothing you can do about it down here).  i do have to say she looks EXTREMELY white.  i have to be like 10 shades darker than her right now and she lives in miami too.  i love being tan though and baby it's AU NATURAL (that's why my prices are so high).

greetings from my boo and i on your typical saturday night.  at least we have each other.  <3

ahhhh!!! holy shit!  i am in love with this lil fella!  the pudu is the world's smallest deer.  there are 2 things you should know about me:
1. i love little things.
2. i love deer.
this is obviously the best of both my interests. the pudu ranges in size from 13 to 17 inches in height and averages about 33 inches long.  that's like a freak schaunzer or something!  ok let's think about this: schnauzer or pudu? PUDU 100%.

some weird things about the pudu:
they have hooves in the back, and dewclaws in the front.  dewclaws are like dogs paws.  so strange!  evolution is wonderful!
each pudu has it's own range or territory.  they are solitary, secretive creatures and only come together for mating.
they climb for their food, bending and walking on bamboo to reach higher foliage.  
all i have to say is GIMMEE!!!


dancing is for the old and the young...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

but where do we fall in???  i mean it is not terribly stunning or astonishing to see a 24 year old dance.  we ain't got no novelty.  but these 2 do:

so i guess i missed out on my dancing talent as a baby...
my only hope is to become like gaga grampy.
gotta get some skills before my twilight years. damn.



Saturday, June 26, 2010

"A man must consider what a rich realm he abdicates when he becomes a conformist." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Conformity. The compliance with standards, rules, or laws has taken over individuals so that they can be socially accepted. Ironically, society pushes uniqueness because people are free. But when people are free to do what they please, they usually imitate each other. It is most times easier to conform and become the modern day cliché but is it comfortable? Is it even natural?

My friend, Taryn, jokingly said that "We must destroy the status quo because the status is not quo." And my response to that was, "What does quo even mean?!" I couldn't figure out a definite definition of the word "quo" but some might not know what the phrase "status quo" even means. The term is derived from the original Latin "statu quo". Literally translating to "the state in which", the Latin term means the current or existing state of affairs. The way to maintain this status quo is to keep things the way they presently are. But the only way to keep everything the same is if everyone does the same thing and no one changes...right?

An unknown author said, "Don't think you're on the right road just because it's a well-beaten path." And Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail." If you feel like something could be better, do something different! Because, as Doug Floyd said, "You don't get harmony when everybody sings the same note." Which is true. Harmony in a piece is more complex than just a melody but with harmony you might end up with a better song.

Remember, following someone's footsteps isn't always wrong. Just remember to BE YOUR OWN PERSON. Be-YOU-tiful. Always. Doing that is extremely important and you should never lose yourself. There is no need to completely conform because when it comes to living your own life, originality is vital.

So if someone tells you to stick to the status quo, just do what you feel is right. Don't let the idea of conformity enslave you.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Seuss

~Nia A.D.L.

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Picture: No Copyright Infringement Intended



Friday, June 25, 2010

Penampilan Paduan Suara SMAN Pintar,Penerimaan Hadiah Juara 1, Photo Bersama bersama Ibu Yeni Zulkifli Dalam Lomba Paduan Suara Lagu-lagu Nasional dan Lagu-lagu Perjuangan yang DI Taja Dharma Wanita Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi

Teluk Kuantan , 23 Juni 2010, dalam rangka meningkatkan rasa kebangsaan atau Nasionalisme Khususnya di kalangan Pemuda atau pelajar, Dharma Wanita Persatuan Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi yang di Ketuai Ny. Hj. Yeni Zulkifli. Yang bersempena pada Hari Kebangkitan Nasional 2010. Melaksanakan kegiatan lomba paduan Paduan Suara Lagu-lagu Nasional dan Lagu-lagu Perjuangan bagi Remaja Putri atau Siswi SMU dan Siswi SMP yang berada dalam Wilayah Kecamatan Kuantan Tengah Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi.

Dihadiri Dewan Penasihat Dharma Wanita Kuansing Hj.Juita Sukarmis sekaligus membuka acara yamg mengusung tema “Dengan Kebangkitan Nasional Kita Mantapkan Kebangkitan Pemuda Kebangkitan Prestasi Serta Kebangkitan Bersama Membangun Nagori Maju”. Ungkap Ronaldo Rozalino S.Sn salah satu guru pembimbing dan pelatih paduan Suara Siswi SMAN Pintar yang menghadiri kegiatan tersebut.


Pada lomba paduan Suara Lagu-lagu Nasional dan Lagu-lagu perjuangan di ikuti 9 tim paduan suara yang berada pada sekolah SMA dan SMU di Kecamatan Kuantan Tengah. Kegiatan tersebut berjalan dengan sukses dan lancar dengan manajemen waktu yang baik dan berkualitas.


Alhamdulillah dari sembilan (9) Tim paduan suara yang berkompetensi, SMAN Pintar Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi meraih Juara 1 dengan mendapat Tropy dan Uang Pembinaan sebesar 1 Juta Rupiah. Denagn Menyanyikan Lagu Wajib Indonesia Pusaka dan Pantang Mundur yang di aransemen dalam tiga suara, Ungkap Ronaldo Rozalino S.Sn yang juga Arangger dan Komposer SMAN Pintar Kab Kuansing.


Tim Paduan Suara dari SMAN Pintar dibagi dalam tiga suara dari 15 siswi yang bernyanyi diantaranya: Dirigen: Uci Ramadani , Suara 1 , Sonnya Suhardian,J essy Latni Gusniarta, Rizka Faulina, Rezkia Puji Nanda, Ramadani Indah, Kiprah Piawi, Elika Gustina, Cindy Claudia. Untuk Suara 2: Lilik Febriani, Vita Ramadani, Susi Susanti, Tiara Bela Pratiwi, Gustri Robi Wala. Dan Suara 3: Aisyah Mayang Wulan, Nefi Fitriana, Nurahmah Dewi, Weli Indah Sari. Dengan formasi tim paduan suara sisiwi SMAN Pintar yang diberikan memberikan keberkahan dan keberkahan.Sehingga mengeluarkan kualitas yang harmonisasi yang didengarkan.Ungkap Irwan B salah satu Juri Kegiatan Lomba Paduan Suara. Juri pada saat kegiatan tersebut: Syafuddin, Oni yang didatangkan dari Dinas Terkait dalam lingkungan Pemda Kuansing.


Semoga dengan prestasi yang didapatkannya menjadikan SMAN Pintar Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi unggul disegala Bidang seperti IPTEK, Sains, Seni. Ini yang diharapkan dan sampaikan oleh Bupati Kuansing H.Sukarmis pada kegiatan perpisahan beberapa waktu yang lalu, “SMAN Pintar harus dan buktikan dengan selalu berprestasi dalam segala bidang apa saja”. Ungkap H.Zulhefis S.Pd Kepala SMAN Pintar Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi. Semoga Allah SWT selalu melimpahkan rahmat, hidayah keberkahan buat SMAN Pintar Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi. Ungkap Ronaldo Rozalino S.Sn Humas SMAN Pintar. Admin SMAN Pintar




this lil fella captured my hear long ago when i was researching my favorite breed of cat: the exotic short hair.  i was not able to put a name to a face until a couple days ago when i delved deeper.  i googled "japanese kitten" and there he was in all his adorable glory.  now the good stuff:

good night my sweet prince.  as an old friend once said "i wanna shove it up inside me, birth it, and call it my own."  it is a sad fact that i will never be able to dream up anything cuter.  fuck allergies, i am GONNA get my exotic shorthair, memebon jr.


Preparing for the Fall/Winter...BURBERRY!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I know it's summertime guys but what are you gonna wear when it's over and starts getting chilly? The Burberry Prorsum Autumn/Winter Collection of 2010 is, needless to say, a very fashionable choice for that "problem". The pictures here are some of my selected favorites and I hope you enjoy them. And if you don't know, now you know...that Burberry is the stuff. =)

~Nia A.D.L.

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PUMAS! Late Spring..

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I didn't get the chance to post this in the spring time but if you're a fan of Pumas, then I'm sure you'll think these are still hot. I have fam who happen to be Puma spokespeople so I like to be up to date with this stuff. INTRODUCING THE PUMA 2010 SPRING FIRST ROUND MESH PACK you like these?

~Nia A.D.L.

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No Copyright Infringement Intended


i'm a hoarder...of internet data.

so it's been a hot second since i updated.  my life is boring, i work, workout, lay out, pretty much lettin everything hang out round here.  i keep collecting shit to post but then i forget to until my desktop is jam packed with stuff!  ok so here is some of the good stuff:
i don't know what's happening here but i am really into it.  if i were to interpret such a photo, i would say that is dead father overlooking young daughter's entrance into society???  no?  that's totally whack.  but this photo is so freakin weird i love it.

modern family's take on a normal (TYPO and it stays) rockwell piece (as seen in the corner)  all i have to say is: WHERE'S LILY???  that baby looks so bored in every scene.  it's like she has seen it all and done it all.  i love lily (and manny of course, NEVER GROW UP PLEASE!)

oh jeez this is too cute.  i have been looking into pet pigs but i think one may be too much work for me.  i spent like 3 hours on sunday watching DOGS 101 on animal planet...i wish it was PIGS 101.  what's wrong with me?  who watches dog breed shows for hours on end?  i will say that knowledge comes in handy.

when gaga met morrissey...who is the guy in the swiss cheese jacket? GTFO fool.

shih tzu. my number one breed (although i am intrigued by the havanese).  proud animals, more closely related to the wolf genetically than any other dog breed.  tell my boyfriend that.  he wants a wolf-dog...i want this.  maybe we both win?  see what DOGS 101 can teach you?

yes bitch YES!  straws with everything.  i am telling you, it adds instant class.  what was a red bull is now a red bull you can delicately sip on.  olivia you got it down gurl.

i don't like birds but these are fucking adorable.  it's hard to believe anything like that could exist.  maybe there is a god?


Selamat Ulang Tahun ke 54 H Sukarmis Bupati Kuansing

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

HUT ke 54 H Sukarmis Bupati Kuansing


Motto Bapak H Sukarmis yang saya dapat dari Facebook Pribadinya

“Hidup adalah berjuang. tidak merasa susah ketika dalam kesusahan dan tidak cepat merasa senang ketika dalam keadaan senang, slalu bersyukur dg apa yang ada, ingin maksimal berbuat untuk masyarakat dan negeri tercinta” H.Sukarmis.


Saya Mengucapkan

Selamat Ulang Tahun




 H Sukarmis

Bupati Kuantan Singingi


Semoga Selalu Dilimpahkan Rahmat, Hidayah serta Keberkahan dalam menjalankan Roda Pemerintahan di Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi.Amin. Source:


bitch beats me to the chase cuz i am so damned lazy!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

let me just make this big as possible...
the season premiere of true blood was most excellent.  i loved the story line and the way the show is moving.  biker werewolves seem very appropriate.  i just love things about the supernatural.  do you think they will tackle ghosts next???  i mean we have: vamps, shape shifters, goddess possessions, werewolves, am i forgetting something??

and who would have thought it would get  
idgaf- i am down with everything happening sunday evenings @9:00 PM on HBO

worlds collide once again!  i don't know what's up between these 2 other than the like 12 year age difference? beibz and kim k just seem to gravitate towards one another.  i am not complaining, but i think it's hilarious.  apparently they did a photo shoot together in the bahamas, can't wait for that shit!

not that is is any news, but spencer seems to have lost his damned mind.  he is running around in the woods acting all crazy.  one time i was in the woods with the children from my old work and there was a deer and i wanted to pet it.  this resulted in a girl saying, "you crazy white girl! why would you wanna go and do that??"  i kinda felt like spencer.  i can't wait for his rap debut! SHIIIITTTTT.

ok i gotta go to bed at 11:00 pm every night.  i work at 8 and have to leave so freakin early.
i will close with a classic idol of mine: DIANE.


Download Jadwal Piala Dunia 2010 Afrika Selatan

Monday, June 14, 2010

Download Jadwal Piala Dunia 2010 Afrika Selatan

Klik Disini atau Gambar Dibawah ini Untuk Mendownload


Semoga Bermanfaat bagi sahabat semuanya!!!




old people can be cute (and inspiring) too!

i spotted this on my facebook feed and i thought it was the most adorable thing ever!  
this couple has been married for 62 years! can you imagine? that's so inspiring. 
i love how he touches her butt every time they switch places.  
ahhhh so much sass and style!


lil cuties for everyone.

Friday, June 11, 2010

chow puppies dyed to look like panda bears!!!! is that animal crulety?  i don't give a fuck, i want one NOW.  these lil fellas were painted for the opening of some pet park in china.  i'm sorry but there are plenty of pet parks or bark parks here in america and we don't dye puppies in celebration.  who is this attracting?  oh yeah, me.

it's that damn smoking baby!  this baby is like the cutest thing even so why is it smoking???  i quit smoking 2 weeks ago and i feel great!  but this lil guy is only 2, so what the hell is happening to his tiny body.  i am working with kids this summer, the youngest are 3.  i can never imagine them smoking cigarettes.  that's innocence lost right there.

omg will smith's family is prety damn cute.  jackie chan needs to get out.  but can you believe trey??? that is the same kid that was in this video:
SERIOUSLY.  so big, i feel so old.  i remember watching total request live for the premiere of this vid and thought it was cute and now this little boy is a HUGE YOUNG MAN.  wow.  born in 1992...18 years old.  i am so old.

that right there is a tall drink of water...or is it glass of water?  not good with those sayings sometimes.  a.skar looking good!  i am counting down the minutes to the true blood premiere OMGGGGG.

tatyanna ali was the cutest everrrrr! just sayin!


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